dimanche 16 septembre 2018

Nouveau canapé !

Je suis très heureuse de ce nouveau canapé acheté d'occasion ! L'histoire est dingue ! Je cherchais simplement sur leboncoin un canapé pas trop loin pas trop cher depuis quelques temps... Je tombe sur ce petit bijoux pas très loin de chez nous. On prend contact avec la femme, on va chez elle pour le voir. Il s'avère qu'elle devait déménager là où nous habitons. Elle nous la donc livré ce week-end devant chez nous. Le plan parfait ! 

mercredi 13 juin 2018

Reduce plastic at home

Since today, I decided to stop plastic at home. For many people, ecology is a fashion phenomenon. Yes, it's true for exemple industry has understood it with the green washing (read another article). Yes, the sustainable durable is a complex and strange idea like say geographer Sylvie Brunel: a religious speech with bad conscience for consumer. The development is great: occident has made progress for human's life, many are no longer afraid of missing eat. But today for wild, social aspect is forgotten.  The pillars of sustainable development are, however, clear: 

Despite this, I can reduce my ecological footprint. I'll not stop all the problems but I'm on this planet so I want make better if I can make better.

For this:
- stop plastic bags;
- buy in bulk and store in glass jars;
- stop plastic bottled water;
- to recycle if really;

If you have some idea to reduce ecological footprint, write me ! 


A partir d'aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé d'arrêter le plastique à la maison le plus possible. Pour beaucoup de personnes, l'écologie est un phénomène de mode. Oui, c'est vrai par exemple l'industrie a bien compris avec des méthodes comme le green washing. Oui, le développement durable est une idée complexe comme le pense Sylvie Brunel: une sorte de discours moralisateur, religieux pour culpabiliser les consommateurs. Le développement est bien, il n'est pas à bannir : en occident les progrès ont été réalisé grâce au développement pour la vie humaine: nous n'avons plus peur de manquer : d'eau, de nourriture. Mais aujourd'hui pour la nature, les aspects sociaux, les humains sont oubliés. Les piliers du développement durable sont pourtant clairs:

Je ne vais pas enrayer les problèmes de la planète à moi seul mais je fais partie de cette planète, je peux faire au mieux et réduire mon empreinte écologique:
-arrêter les sacs en plastiques;
-acheter en vrac et stocker dans des bocaux en verre;
- arrêter l'eau en bouteille plastique;
- recycler si vraiment.

Si vous avez d'autres idées pour réduire son empreinte écologique au niveau du plastique, écrivez-moi ! 

lundi 4 juin 2018


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "l214"

Since many years and with actuality, I think about meat industry.  Many books, articles, video, youtuber, association speaks about horror of meat industrie: no respect for animals on all the aspects.
I thought bought books about this but it's not necessary: internet is full of articles, video, documentaries about this with serious sources.
I'm reading many articles, and seeing short video (I don't want to see more) to understand and to KNOW the reality. I come from the countryside and I love horse so I don't eat horse, I love my cat, everybody in France don't eat cat. BUT I love also animals, so why am I eating meat ? Without questions ? I see many video on instagram about little pig live like a dog. Pig or coat feels like my cat or parent's dog, isn't it ? Now, I'm know and everybody know with media even if you're don't interesting about this.
Have you ever read the animal farm writing by George Orwell ? One passage is abominable: when Malabar (a strong horse, who work more and more for the farm)  is sent to slaughterhouse... The leader explain Malabar is retiring or something like that. Other animals believes him except one who know read. Leaders belie and 3 days later an important amount of money comes.  It's terrific because one animal know: whoever can read. Now, almost everyone can read in France ! We can read many articles of this.

So what ? We forgot this articles, videos and continue eat meat ? Or meat IGP "Indication Géographique Protégée", "label rouge" to have good conscience  ?

After reading a lot of things, it's "veiling the face". I read an article L214, link in the end. A pig breeding, mistreats his pigs (see the link) and producteur says produce IGP...  It's not possible with this conditions !

Another reflexion. After see this video, I read the article about others pigs breedings in France. They explain pig are gassed... Pitiful living conditions: piling on top of each other, no care, no light, live in their excrement to gassed in the end... It does not remind you of anything... History lesson maybe ?
My comparison is really daring I know but I feel the situation like this and humans are ostrich.

L214 article
Telerama article
L'Obs article

vendredi 11 mai 2018

Park Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Ermenonville

Last week-end, my boyfriend and I went to Hermenonville to walk in.  This park is beautiful and cultural.  It's a little microcosm with Rousseau's cenotaph. I discover it thank my geography teacher at university and THANK YOU ! Every discovery is magical and out of time. This park is out of time and invites to philosophical contemplation. My boyfriend is landscaper so it's very interesting for him.  My photo are not terrible because it was not planned.  Maybe, I will go back there with more time.

Furnitures wishlist

When I told you, I'm falling in love with Ikea.  I make my Wishlist, you know in Scandinavian decoration.

We bought this book case "Billy". It's very practical because we can add  doors, floors  in the futur.

We bought two of this

I don't know if we buy this but I love this one ! 

I love this color and this series. We can modulate like we want ! We can keep it even if we move. I don't know if I buy it but one day I will buy this sofa !

My boyfriend love this one for kitchen because it's traditional, handmade.  I don't take this but finally I'm agree. This brings warm. 

To sort the waste 

Do you appreciate my wishlist ? Am I crazy or you make same thing ahah ?...

New book "Hygge"

Do you know "Hygge" ?
It's a Danish method for a better life, with friend, family, with more sensibility around us and little things. This book reminds me importance having a warm and clean place. Room's decoration is actually my priority with studies in order to feel good when we're going back home.
I'm falling in love with Ikea: simply, refined, convenient, cheap define Ikea.
I try to make Scandinavian decoration: white wall, wood, many plants, pastel color. It's long and I'm very impatient (we have a purple bathroom ahah! ) and I want books everywhere with old map. I think it's possible before the start of school year. And I have idea to show you in other article.

vendredi 16 mars 2018


J'ai une grande nouvelle dans ma vie ! 
Voici ce petit chaton tout noir nommé Chihiro ! Il s'agît d'une petite femelle que j'ai adopté lorsqu'elle devait avoir 3 mois ! Elle grandit bien et s'adapte vraiment sans problème. Elle est très curieuse et elle n'hésite pas à aller vers ce qu'elle ne connaît pas. Quelques photos valent mieux qu'une description:

Il ne manque plus que le petit noeud rouge pour ressembler à Jiji ahah !

Nouveau canapé !

Je suis très heureuse de ce nouveau canapé acheté d'occasion ! L'histoire est dingue ! Je cherchais simplement sur leboncoin un can...